The Lucknow Sentinel

The Township of Huron-Kinloss is celebrating 25 years since amalgamation with a special commemorative video. “In 1999, the Township of Huron-Kinloss was formed through the amalgamation of Ripley-Huron, the Township of Kinloss, and the Village of Lucknow. This significant restructuring united our rural and village communities under one municipal government,” the Township said in a […]

The Lucknow Sentinel

Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce will run out of cash to operate in just over three months. “Without new sources of funding sufficient to take the program through the 2025–2026 fiscal year, Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce would only have enough funding to operate until March 31, 2025, at which point the program would be […]

The Lucknow Sentinel

Jamie Heffer of Morris-Turnberry has been appointed as Huron County’s new warden for the 2025-2026 term. Heffer, a longtime resident of Morris-Turnberry, lives on a farm alongside his wife, Lori, where they’re involved in sheep, beef and crop production. “I am truly honoured to be appointed warden of Huron County,” Heffer said in a press […]

The Lucknow Sentinel

For the Birds: Upcycled Bird Palaces is a “whimsical showcase of one-of-a-kind birdhouses” created by 81-year-old folk artist Graeme Chalmers set to open at Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre this month. An artist with a lifelong passion for folk art, Chalmers transforms ordinary thrift store finds into unique birdhouses by upcycling discarded items like […]

The Lucknow Sentinel

The Nuclear Waste Management Organization has selected Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation and the Township of Ignace as the future site for Canada’s deep geological repository for used nuclear fuel. South Bruce, the only other site under consideration for the underground nuclear vault, recently signaled its willingness in a narrowly won referendum. But the approval of […]

The Lucknow Sentinel

The Township of Huron-Kinloss has set up a survey to collect input on the 2025 budget. In order to ensure the Township is meeting the needs of its residents, a short 10-minute survey has been created on Have Your Say Huron-Kinloss. According to the Township, there are some additional questions for 2025 that will help provide […]

The Lucknow Sentinel

It acquired the processor ten years ago but does not see it as a fit moving forward

The Lucknow Sentinel

Tim Hortons is once again selling Holiday Smile Cookies to benefit local charities. “Thank you to Tim Hortons in Wingham and Lucknow for choosing us,” said Mary Ellen Zielman, executive director for Huron County Food Bank Distribution Centre, in a Nov. 15 interview. “It’s a great way for the community to come together.” The Holiday […]

The Lucknow Sentinel

On a Tuesday at Hoard's Station more than 100 regulars and not so regular customers gathered for the weekly sale

The Lucknow Sentinel

Farm groups welcome the moves, which allow farmers to make repairs and bypass digital locks