
The Township of Huron-Kinloss is hosting a Water Stewardship Day on July 23, 2016 at the Point Clark Community Centre between 10 AM and 1:30. The event will highlight water stewardship initiatives in the Township, and features a talk by Ted Briggs, a Great Lakes Advisor from the Ministry of Environment Climate Change, and an ‘Open Well’ event hosted by Veolia and the local Source Water Protection staff. I have attached the invite poster to this email and more information is available at http://waterstewardshipevent.blogspot.ca

Please consider this email an invite to the event and if you could share it with the Bruce Beach Cottage Association membership, it would be greatly appreciated.

Also, posters for the event will be available next week, is there a community bulletin board at the Golf Club House and could we put a poster there?

Thanks kindly,
Lisa J. Courtney, MSc., MCIP, RPP
B. M. Ross and Associates Limited
Engineers and Planners
62 North Street
Goderich, ON N7A 2T4
Ph: (519) 524-2641
Fax: (519) 524-4403

