The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s annual State of the Great Lakes report highlights issues impacting the various industries and communities that rely on the Great Lakes. […]
The Great Lakes Commission is holding its annual Industry Days conference at the Great Wolf Lodge Conference Center from January 7-8. Speakers from the US Coast Guard, National Weather Service, […]
The Tom Thomson Art Gallery exhibition spaces are to close until spring as aging HVAC systems in the facility are replaced. But while the exhibition rooms will be closed as of Monday, the tourism desk at the gallery will remain open to the public Monday to Friday to purchase merchandise, movie tickets and Supporter’s Circle […]
The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals last week issued an opinion affirming that the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy has the authority to conduct inspections to ensure […]
The city of Grand Rapids has received a permit from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy for its Grand River restoration project. The project will restore rapids, […]
Passing the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Act of 2024 is urgently needed to maintain the successful work helping restore and protect the Great Lakes – work that is benefiting the […]
The University of Wisconsin-Superior is getting a new 65-foot lakegoing vessel, the Sadie Ann, described as a floating classroom. The ship was designed as a scientific research vessel and a […]
The Ontario Ministry of Environment, Climate and Parks charged the City of Hamilton, Ontario, with two counts of discharging sanitary sewage in water. The two sewage spills that began decades […]
The Nuclear Waste Management Organization has selected Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation and the Township of Ignace as the future site for Canada’s deep geological repository for used nuclear fuel. South Bruce, the only other site under consideration for the underground nuclear vault, recently signaled its willingness in a narrowly won referendum. But the approval of […]
The Township of Huron-Kinloss is hosting a Water Stewardship Day on July 23, 2016 at the Point Clark Community Centre between 10 AM and 1:30. The event will highlight water stewardship initiatives in the Township, and features a talk by Ted Briggs, a Great Lakes Advisor from the Ministry of Environment Climate Change, and an ‘Open Well’ event hosted by Veolia and the local Source Water Protection staff. I have attached the invite poster to this email and more information is available at