Authored on
Date of Passing
Year of Birth

Hooks Johnston of McLean, Virginia, beloved husband of Betsy and father of Mary, Allison, Hooks and David, passed away on September 4, 2017. He died following a courageous almost 30 year battle with an auto immune condition that affected his joints and ultimately his heart. The son of Hooks K. Johnston, Jr. and Su-san Y. Johnston of North Andover, Massa-chusetts, and brother to Amy Desel and Laura Simpson, he was born in Manches-ter, Connecticut, on July 6, 1962. Raised in Glastonbury, Connecticut, he graduated from Glastonbury High School, Brown University and Harvard Business School. He married Elizabeth (Betsy) Randolph Edmunds of Richmond Virginia in 1988, and together they had four children: Marietta Yates Johnston, Allison Wight Johnston, Hooks Kelley Johnston, IV and David Spencer Johnston. He resided in McLean, Virginia for the past 29 years as a venture capitalist, corporate executive and philanthropist. He was a man of strong faith who lived his life in God's service, giving all who knew him an example of grace, humility, and kindness.

He was an active member of Vienna Presbyterian Church and the High Tech Prayer Breakfast. Remembered for his wisdom, patience and integrity he was a counselor to many, from CEOs to friends and family. His substantial business success and ven-ture capital record were second only to a rich legacy of nonprofit work that has impacted communities across the globe. In 1988 he started his post-business school career at VM Software then was an executive at many companies including VP of Marketing at Systems Center, COO at ALG and CEO of Roadshow International and Descarte Systems group. In 1998 he was recruited to FBR Technology Venture Partners and then later as a General Partner and Co-founder of Valhalla Partners of Vienna, Virginia. Most recently, Hooks was a Managing Partner with INOVA Strategic Investments, after having been on the board of the INOVA Healthcare Services. He served on twenty corporate and many non-profit boards. He was most proud of his charitable work and in 2014, he received the Outstanding Corporate Director Award given by the Washington Business Journal and National Association of Corporate Directors for his work with the Global Good Fund.

Hooks's family was central to his life. He was extraordinarily proud of his children and fostered a deep and special bond with each of them. He would certainly say they were his greatest achievements second only to his 29 year marriage to Betsy. He loved summers spent at Bruce Beach, his favorite spot on Lake Huron in Canada. Having spent summers there growing up as an active tennis and baseball player, in more recent years he would be found court side at family tennis matches sharing a love of the game. He was the person all went to for his sage and thoughtful advice and counsel on all matters. His intelligence, insight, patience and gentleness were inspiring to all. Though he faced physical challenges and limitations he was full of joy and lived his life always prioritizing how to help those around him. His wit and humor followed him everywhere, he was always quick with a joke, a smile, and an unmistakable laugh. He shared a love of the Red Sox and Patriots with his boys, spending many hours spectating and many family dinners sharing in their enthusiasm for those teams. His marriage to Betsy created, with her, a deep bond and partnership. His love and pride for his family was always prioritized over all his business demands and accomplishments. His life work focused on making the world a better place, whether through his work with the Global Good Fund, Five Talents or in personal conversations where his always made you feel heard and important. He empowered those around him to persevere, find their strength and be better people, all through his quiet and calm example.

There will be a funeral service at Vienna Presbyterian Church, 124 Park St, NE, Vienna, VA 22180, at 10 a.m., Saturday September 9. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Five Talents ( is external)) or the Global Good Fund ( is external)). There will be a funeral service at Vienna Presbyterian Church, 124 Park St, NE, Vienna, VA 22180, at 10 a.m., Saturday September 9.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Five Talents ( is external)) or the Global Good Fund ( is external)).
