Authored on
Authored by
Ross Klopp

Baseball Batter Dear Baseball players and fans,

For those who were at the season opener last weekend you witnessed Bruce Beach baseball at its best.   Imagine if you will Mike Buchanan on the mound pitching for the game.  Bottom of the 9th (or whatever inning Gerry says it is).  The score is 14 to 11.  The bases are getting fuller but somehow the game is lost as the opposition just can’t sustain any traction.  We all retire for a well-deserved beer or two.  Just another day in paradise known as Bruce Beach. 

As part of our efforts to sustain baseball at the Beach we raise money to cover the cost of things like replacing equipment and paint for the lines etc.  But most importantly we need to cover the cost of cutting the grass.  The owners of the Huff and Clark compound have generously been footing this bill for years which, for me and many others we cannot thank them enough.  However a few years back we started to contribute $20 per player to help cover this cost and on occasion we received a donations from fans and fellow “beachers” who are not baseball players.  As helpful as this was and is we are getting only half way to covering the true cost of having the privilege of playing ball at BB.  So with this in mind the ball players last week and after the last ball game last year decided that it was time to raise further funds for the purpose of covering these costs. 

The plan now is to collect from “regular season” players (which means players who come to play ball at the field at any time whether for one game or more) $30 per summer season.  Additionally all players who would like to play in the North/South championship game will pay $10.  For most of us that will mean $40 per year.  I trust that you can see your way clear to paying this amount as it will hopefully ensure the continuation of baseball at Bruce Beach for many years to come.  For the non-players your continued support is welcome and just by showing up to cheer us on is meaningful to us the ball players. 

Once again thanks to all and I will see you at the ball field on Sunday

Cam Spooner

PS I have confirmed with Jean through Nancy that beer this week after the game will be on her.  She needs the boats moved after all. 

