Bruce Beachers
The Bruce Beach Golf Club is well underway for 2015. A group of 12
volunteers under the direction of Brian MacEachern and David Wilson have
built a new shed near the 3rd tee to house the course maintenance equipment
and this replaces the old green shed which had a dirt floor and was barely
standing. We would like to thank all the volunteers for their time and
effort in constructing this fine addition to the Golf Club.
Linked below you will find three notices pertaining to the:
Golf Club: 2015 Dues Billing Notice
2015 Fundraiser Notice
2015 Billy Open Notice
In the past these were distributed by hand, but this year we are sending
them electronically as well, which will be more convenient for many.
The Dues Notice lists the fee structure for membership and can be completed
and payment attached and either mailed to the address on the notice or
deposited in the cash box at the 1st Tee at the Golf Club.
The Fundraiser Notice can be completed for dinner and golf or dinner only on
July 25th. Again this can be mailed with payment or placed in the cash box
at the 1st Tee. To reserve your place you can also send an email to: and then follow up with the payment. We will
attempt to make room for all those interested but space may be limited.
The Billy Open is celebrating its 10th year. Space is limited so reserve
your spot by emailing the address on the notice or dropping off a note at
cottage 171-2.
Jim Pennington