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Hi Bruce Beachers,

Just a short note to bring your attention to a concern I have with the current state of the Bruce Beach Municipal Drain project. My concern is with the quality of the water that is going into the Lake and I've included some photos.




This is not just happening following rain events as you might think, but has been ongoing 24/7 for the last 3 weeks and seriously impacts the enjoyment of the Lake for any water activities for all cottagers in the vicinity. This is unfiltered agricultural runoff that could contain nutrients, herbicides, pesticides or whatever and there is no monitoring of the water quality being done. Once BBMD Phase II is completed this is what will be running from an outlet at the bottom of the 8th which is a popular public beach access point.
If this bothers you then you should contact Huron-Kinloss and let them know your concerns. I have done that already, but for this to change more voices are needed. This is an election year for them so more voices might just get their attention.
About the Bruce Beach Municipal Drain 
The BBMD is a project created and overseen by the Huron-Kinloss Township. Phase I includes the creation of a detention pond in the farmland near the corner of Lake Range Dr. and Concession 8 and runs a drainage pipe from Lake Range down to Bruce Beach Rd. Phase II includes laying a new drain pipe that will run along Bruce Beach Rd. to Concession 8 and then down the 8th to a new outlet into Lake Huron at the bottom of the 8th. The purpose of the BBMD is to address the flooding that has been occurring more frequently and which has led to damage to cottages and many washouts of Bruce Beach Rd. For more details about the project please go to Have your say HK.
Doug Dunlop
102 Bruce Beach Rd.