Authored on
Authored by
Ross Klopp

From: Minister, MOECC (MOECC) [
Sent: February-18-15 5:42 PM
To: Undisclosed recipients:
Subject: Great Lakes Protection Act

Ontario is taking action to protect the Great Lakes and has re-introduced a strengthened Great Lakes Protection Act, which recognizes the importance of the Great Lakes to Ontario’s environment, economy and health of our citizens.

If passed, the new, strengthened Great Lakes Protection Act will protect and restore our Great Lakes, to help keep them drinkable, fishable, and swimmable.

The strengthened act, if passed, would:

  • Help to fight climate change, reduce harmful algal blooms, and protect wetlands and other coastal areas
  • Monitor and report on the health of the lakes
  • Bring people together to take local action on priority issues
  • Build on Ontario’s leadership in protecting the Great Lakes, including our Great Lakes Strategy and partnerships with Canada, Québec, and the U.S. Great Lakes states

The proposed act reflects feedback we’ve received on previous versions of the bill.

We encourage you to provide your comments on the Ontario Environmental Registry. Comments will be accepted until April 19, 2015.

Today’s action builds on the recently signed Canada–Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health which is the principal mechanism through which Ontario and Canada coordinate their work to address their respective and shared commitments to protect the Great Lakes.  The proposed Great Lakes Protection Act also builds upon Ontario’s Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund which was established to help people take action to protect and restore their corner of the Great Lakes.

If you have any questions or would like more information please email Chris Lompart.

I look forward to continuing to work with you to protect our Great Lakes now, and for future generations.


Glen Murray
