With school buses cancelled and some schools closed following a huge dump of snow plenty of young people opted to study the laws of physics in Basil Grover Park in London on Wednesday. Photos by Derek Ruttan druttan@postmedia.com
With school buses cancelled and some schools closed following a huge dump of snow plenty of young people opted to study the laws of physics in Basil Grover Park in London on Wednesday. Photos by Derek Ruttan druttan@postmedia.com
London Free Press, access, Authors, buses, Canada, city, closed, Free, Journalism, Latest News, local, Local News, London, London weather, new, New York, News, newsletter, Noon News Roundup, online, Ontario storm, Reading, Realtime, Register, school, School buses, Schools, Snow, study, support, the conversation, Wednesday
PHOTOS: Sledding fun on snowy day