The Trump factor, the issues, the horse race - and more The Trump factor, the issues, the horse race - and more Tags London Free Press, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, access, Authors, campaign, Canada, Canadian, city, close, college, Community, conservative, deal, Democrats, Department, Donald Trump, Doug Ford, Economy, Editorial, Explainer, fall, Fanshawe College, federal, Federal election, first, followed, Ford, found, Free, Friday, Government, green, Green Party, Greenbelt, Health, Health care, help, History, hit, Homelessness, Homes, Housing, Inflation, investigation, job, Jobs, Journalism, June, Justin Trudeau, Latest News, LED, local, Local News, London, Longreads, man, march, Media, meeting, money, moved, new, New York, News, newsletter, Noon News Roundup, office, online, Ontario, Ontario election, Ontario politics, Other, plan, Politics, president, province, Provincial, reading, Real estate, record, Region, Register, RISK, Saturday, savings, Science, social, summer, support, suspect, Tariffs, the conversation, third, Toronto, Trail, trump, university, US, visit, Wednesday, Western, Western University, who, win, woman Trumped: What to know about Ontario’s looming snap election…