In October 2015, Trudeau led the Liberals to a strong majority government (184 of 338 seats), the second-best performance in the party's history.

Humans once hunted caribou on a land bridge that’s now submerged under Lake Huron. Research in this area has uncovered new findings, including a peat bog containing preserved prehistoric DNA. […]

A local woman’s passion for preservation has led to the restoration of 271 headstones — and counting — at South Kinloss Cemetery in Lucknow.   “A lot of these were pioneer children. They died here and then their parents picked up and moved on, so there’s no one left for them,” explained Cherie Brogreen. “I […]

The Nuclear Waste Management Organization has selected Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation and the Township of Ignace as the future site for Canada’s deep geological repository for used nuclear fuel. South Bruce, the only other site under consideration for the underground nuclear vault, recently signaled its willingness in a narrowly won referendum. But the approval of […]