Passing the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Act of 2024 is urgently needed to maintain the successful work helping restore and protect the Great Lakes – work that is benefiting the […]
A local woman’s passion for preservation has led to the restoration of 271 headstones — and counting — at South Kinloss Cemetery in Lucknow. “A lot of these were pioneer children. They died here and then their parents picked up and moved on, so there’s no one left for them,” explained Cherie Brogreen. “I […]
Lucknow Sentinel, 2022, 2023, 2024, April, Business, Canada, children, county, crime, Damage, deal, death, died, end, first, found, help, History, hit, home, Hours, Kincardine, local, Local News, location, Lucan, Lucknow, man, moved, murder, new, photo, project, RISK, savings, saw, school, season, Snow, social, the conversation, Trail, Treatment, Volunteers, Walkerton, wanted, Water, Weather, who, woman, work