Barriers to trading goods between provinces could be costing the wider London area as much as $1.4 billion in lost production a year, a national economist says.

It was a dark-coloured sticky substance that was illegal. “I didn’t know the name of the stuff he was making,” the young school-age child testified at a drug-lab trial. “I knew it was the weed and the syrup and the gummies… and the cigars made out of weed.” It was remarkable testimony from a school-age […]

Ann Arbor, Michigan – The Great Lakes Commission (GLC) today issued a request for proposals (RFP) for projects that would help improve Great Lakes water quality by reducing nutrient loads from agricultural watersheds and eroding shorelines and streams. Indigenous Nations, nonfederal units of government, and incorporated nonprofit organizations are invited to apply for grants for up to $300,000 through […]

A grassroots group of municipal politicians is urging voters to make homelessness a provincial election issue, with the equivalent of a city larger than Sarnia living on the street across Ontario.  Calling the encampments that have cropped up in municipalities big and small in recent years a “human rights crisis,” the Ontario Coalition for the […]

The Municipality is stepping up to help make the Lions Club’s All Wheel Park a reality. “As we’re growing, I think it’s important that we’re also creating opportunities for youth,” Coun. Beth Blackwell said during the Jan. 27 meeting of Kincardine council. The planned All Wheel Park is a 7,000 square foot recreational space designed […]

With its election almost at the half-way mark, a new threat from Donald Trump hangs over the Ontario campaign Monday.

South Bruce OPP are preparing for an icy dip to help raise funds for Ontario athletes. On Feb. 28, area police will join other community partners for the first annual Kincardine Polar Plunge being held at the UBC Local 2222 building, located at 385 Queen Street in Kincardine, beginning at 6 p.m. Registration takes place […]

David Peterson offers an insider’s view of the Ontario election, the recent tariff scrap with the U.S. and provincial election campaigns.

A new survey by Statistics Canada shows only about four in 10 Londoners say they have a high level of satisfaction with their lives