The Association of Municipalities of Ontario calculated there were at least 1,400 homeless encampments in the province in 2023
Lucknow Sentinel, 2023, access, Affordable housing, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, budget, Buildings, Canada, Canadian, car, centre, changes, Chatham-Kent, Community, conditions, council, county, Courts, Doug Ford, downtown, emergency, Encampments, end, federal, first, Florida, Ford, found, funding, Garbage, Government, Health, home, Homeless, Homelessness, Housing, Identified, Indigenous, Inflation, Information, Life, local, Local News, Long-term care, man, Mayor, mental health, moved, Municipalities, new, News, Ontario, open, other, Pizza, play, Police, Policy, Population, province, Provincial, report, river, rural, Rural Ontario Municipal Association, safety, savings, show, social, Subsidies, summer, support, Thames River, the conversation, Toronto, Trail, US, who, woman, women, work
The Trump factor, the issues, the horse race - and more
London Free Press, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, access, Authors, campaign, Canada, Canadian, city, close, college, Community, conservative, deal, Democrats, Department, Donald Trump, Doug Ford, Economy, Editorial, Explainer, fall, Fanshawe College, federal, Federal election, first, followed, Ford, found, Free, Friday, Government, green, Green Party, Greenbelt, Health, Health care, help, History, hit, Homelessness, Homes, Housing, Inflation, investigation, job, Jobs, Journalism, June, Justin Trudeau, Latest News, LED, local, Local News, London, Longreads, man, march, Media, Meeting, money, moved, new, New York, News, newsletter, Noon News Roundup, office, online, Ontario, Ontario election, Ontario politics, other, plan, Politics, president, province, Provincial, Reading, Real Estate, record, Region, Register, RISK, Saturday, savings, Science, social, summer, support, suspect, Tariffs, the conversation, third, Toronto, Trail, trump, university, US, visit, Wednesday, Western, Western University, who, win, woman
A Second World War veteran turning 102 years old, with more than 30 great-grandchildren, said she would do it all again.
London Free Press, access, Authors, Aviation, Back to school, Canada, Canadian, children, city, death, decision, Editorial, ferry, Free, Friday, Health, hit, hospital, Journalism, Latest News, Life, local, Local News, London, Meeting, moved, new, New York, News, newsletter, Noon News Roundup, online, Ontario, open, other, photo, Reading, Realtime, Register, Royal Canadian Air Force, savings, school, Second World War, service, social, Southwestern Ontario, Strike, summer, support, the conversation, Trail, Veterans, who, women, World
More than 12 years after the death of Amanda Todd, we're still playing catch-up to a realm of torment and abuse that is only expanding.
Columnists, London Free Press, Opinion, access, AI, Artificial intelligence, Australia, Authors, body, Canada, Canadian, city, conservative, crime, death, Deaths, died, Editorial, federal, Federal election, Fire, Free, Hours, Journalism, Justice, Latest News, Life, local, London, man, march, May, moved, new, New York, News, newsletter, Noon News Roundup, online, other, photo, Pierre Poilievre, Politics, power, protect, Reading, Register, safety, Saturday, savings, social, study, sun, support, the conversation, Trail, who, Woodstock, work, World, Youth
Fanshawe College is mourning the death of a 19-year-old student whose body was found on a Southwestern Ontario beach exactly one month after she was reported missing.
London Free Press, beach, body, Bruce, Canada, college, Dead, death, Deaths, Editorial, Fanshawe College, found, Free, Identified, lake, Lake Erie, learn, Local News, London, missing, moved, News, Ontario, Ontario Provincial Police, play, Police, Port Bruce, Port Stanley, Provincial, Realtime, Saturday, school, search, social, Southwestern Ontario, Statement, Students, suspect, Toronto, who, woman
Ann Arbor, Michigan – A report released by the Great Lakes Commission (GLC) found that 35.4 billion gallons of water per day were withdrawn from the
Great Lakes Commission, 2022, 2023, body, Canadian, Community, council, Department, development, Events, found, Government, Great Lakes, industrial, lake, Lake Superior, lakes, learn, Meeting, Michigan, moved, Ohio, Ontario, other, power, protect, province, Region, report, river, service, support, total, visit, Water, Weather, work
A local woman’s passion for preservation has led to the restoration of 271 headstones — and counting — at South Kinloss Cemetery in Lucknow. “A lot of these were pioneer children. They died here and then their parents picked up and moved on, so there’s no one left for them,” explained Cherie Brogreen. “I […]
Lucknow Sentinel, 2022, 2023, 2024, April, Business, Canada, children, county, crime, Damage, deal, death, died, end, first, found, help, History, hit, home, Hours, Kincardine, local, Local News, location, Lucan, Lucknow, man, moved, murder, new, photo, project, RISK, savings, saw, school, season, Snow, social, the conversation, Trail, Treatment, Volunteers, Walkerton, wanted, Water, Weather, who, woman, work