Could some Canadian and Southwestern Ontario businesses benefit from U.S. tariffs? Not really, experts say.
London Free Press, Southwestern Ontario, access, Authors, Business, Canada, Canada-US Tariffs 2025, Canadian, cases, city, decision, Donald Trump, down, Economy, Editorial, end, Energy, Explainer, Free, Government, Grocery, home, Homes, house, Increase, job, Journalism, Latest News, LCBO, local, Local News, London, march, May, Mayor, Mexico, money, National, new, New York, News, newsletter, Noon News Roundup, online, Ontario, Ontario government, other, photo, power, president, Reading, Real Estate, Register, room, savings, school, social, support, Tariffs, the conversation, Toronto, Tourism, trade war, Trail, Travel, trump, Trump Administration, university, Western, Western University, who, work