Artificial intelligence-powered weapons detectors are coming soon to London emergency rooms, an internal email to hospital staff says.
London Free Press, 2024, access, AI, arrest, Artificial intelligence, Authors, Canada, centre, charge, charged, charges, city, Community, court, crime, David Musyj, death, degree, down, Driving, Editorial, emergency, Environment, first, followed, Free, Health, home, Home invasion, Homes, Homicide, hospital, Hospitals, Information, Journalism, Latest News, LED, LHSC, local, Local News, London, London Health Sciences Centre, London Police, London shootings, man, Manslaughter, Massachusetts, Media, murder, new, New York, News, newsletter, Noon News Roundup, online, other, Plans, Police, Reading, Real Estate, Register, remains, robbery, room, safety, Saturday, savings, search, shooting, Shootings, social, Staff, support, Technology, the conversation, Trafficking, Trail, university, University Hospital, Victoria Hospital, visit, Weapons, who, windsor, work