Parts of Southwestern Ontario are losing more than two weeks of sub-zero days each winter due to climate change, a new report says. In London and Middlesex County, there are an average of nine additional above-freezing days each December to February, a trend that may lead to more ice storms and flooding, one renowned climate […]
London Free Press, 2023, access, Authors, Business, Canada, Canadian, Chatham-Kent, cities, city, climate, Climate change, conditions, county, Damage, Deaths, Economy, Elgin, Elgin County, Environment, environment canada, Events, fall, Flooding, Free, Health, hit, home, Homes, Insurance, Journalism, lake, Lake Erie, Lambton County, Latest News, local, Local News, London, Mark, May, mental health, Middlesex County, new, New Jersey, New York, News, newsletter, Noon News Roundup, online, Ontario, other, oxford, power, Quebec, Reading, Real Estate, Region, Register, report, Research, RISK, savings, Science, Snow, social, Southwestern Ontario, support, the conversation, Toronto, total, Trail, university, Weather, Western, Western University, who, windsor, World