Turning yourself from a democratically elected president into a dictator is a tricky operation, and most people who try it fail.
In October 2015, Trudeau led the Liberals to a strong majority government (184 of 338 seats), the second-best performance in the party's history.
With school buses cancelled and some schools closed following a huge dump of snow plenty of young people opted to study the laws of physics in Basil Grover Park in London on Wednesday. Photos by Derek Ruttan druttan@postmedia.com
All are invited to the Lucknow Agricultural Society’s upcoming annual general meeting (AGM). The Jan. 14 event is taking place at the Lucknow Community Centre beginning with a dinner at 6:30 p.m. Dinner tickets are available for $25 each. The meeting, which includes important bylaw updates, begins at 7:30 p.m. To register, email lucknowff@gmail.com or […]