This project has ended. Archived project materials are available below. Physical barriers prevent water from cycling naturally, resulting in flooding, sewer overflows, and risks to
A mapping initiative dubbed Lakebed 2030 supports ongoing efforts to make the Great Lakes region more resilient to climate change. The project is working to identify areas prone to erosion, […]
Lake Michigan surface temperatures peaked at over 6 degrees above normal last month, the warmest they have been in November since 1995 when record keeping began at the National Oceanic […]
Huron-Kinloss’ mayor is the new deputy warden of Bruce County. “I am honoured to have been chosen as deputy warden of Bruce County,” said Deputy Warden Don Murray in a news release. “I look forward to working closely with Warden Charbonneau and my fellow members of council to continue advancing the growth and well-being of […]
Sheboygan, Wisconsin, is among seven communities along Lake Michigan to receive portions of nearly $3 million in funding to develop plans for strengthening shorelines against flooding, erosion, loss of natural […]
The Ontario Ministry of Environment, Climate and Parks charged the City of Hamilton, Ontario, with two counts of discharging sanitary sewage in water. The two sewage spills that began decades […]