Two area health units have declared measles outbreaks after confirming nearly 20 combined cases of the highly contagious virus.
London Free Press, access, Authors, Brantford, Canada, Canadian, cases, chief, children, city, Contact, covid, Covid-19, Driving, Editorial, Elgin, end, first, Free, Government, Grand Erie Public Health, Health, History, home, Homes, Hours, Increase, Information, Journalism, Latest News, local, Local News, London, march, May, missing, new, New York, News, newsletter, Noon News Roundup, online, Ontario, other, oxford, pandemic, photo, Population, Quebec, Reading, Real Estate, Realtime, record, red, Register, RISK, savings, school, social, Southwestern Ontario, Southwestern Public Health, St. Thomas, Statement, support, the conversation, Thomas, Toronto, Trail, Travel, university, visit, Wednesday, who, World