The lure of landing new jobs tied to Volkswagen’s $7-billion EV battery plant is driving a move by city councillors to seek the province’s help in fast-tracking a proposed industrial development south of Highway 401. City council’s planning and environment committee voted unanimously Wednesday for the city to request a minister’s zoning order (MZO) to […]
London Free Press, 2024, access, Affordable housing, Authors, building, Business, Canada, city, City council, construction, council, deal, development, Driving, Economy, Editorial, Environment, Farmland, first, Free, help, Highway 401, Homes, Housing, industrial, Industrial land, job, Jobs, Journalism, Latest News, light, local, Local News, London, London city hall, Manufacturing, march, Mayor, Meeting, new, New York, News, newsletter, Noon News Roundup, online, open, Peter Cuddy, project, province, Provincial, Reading, Real Estate, Register, report, river, savings, Shawn Lewis, social, Speeding, St. Thomas, Staff, support, Thames River, the conversation, Thomas, Trail, Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, US, Volkswagen, Wednesday, who