The effects of this week’s winter storm continue to cause closures and cancellations in the area today, Feb. 19. All Municipality of Kincardine rural roads remain closed. Goderich Street from Bruce Avenue to Huronville remains closed. Elgin Market Public School, Kincardine District Senior School, Kincardine Township-Tiverton Public School, and Ripley-Huron Community School are closed. The […]
Voters in a Southwestern Ontario riding reliant on both the auto and farming industries, say tariffs are on their mind.
London Free Press, Agriculture, Business, Cami, Canada, Canadian, conservative, county, Donald Trump, Doug Ford, Economy, Editorial, end, Farming, federal, Ford, Government, green, hit, home, Ingersoll, job, Jobs, Journalism, LED, local, Local News, London, May, Mayor, National, new, News, Ontario, Ontario election, Ontario election 2025, oxford, Oxford County, president, Provincial, rural, social, Southwestern Ontario, Tariffs, Toyota, trade war, trump, Unifor, who, Woodstock, work
Municipal groups say the growing service cost deficit has to be uploaded to the province
Lucknow Sentinel, Ontario government, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, council, Government, Homeless, Homelessness, hospital, Housing, Infrastructure, Investment, Jobs, local, Local News, Meeting, Municipalities, new, News, Ontario, Policy, president, Property taxes, province, Provincial, red, report, Research, rural, Rural Ontario Municipal Association, savings, service, social, study, Taxes, the conversation, Trail, Video
A new survey by Statistics Canada shows only about four in 10 Londoners say they have a high level of satisfaction with their lives
Life, London, London Free Press, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, access, April, Authors, Canada, Canadian, centre, children, cities, city, City hall, Community, construction, covid, Covid-19, deal, development, down, Economy, Editorial, end, Explainer, federal, found, Free, Government, Hamilton, Health, Health care, help, Homes, Housing, Inflation, Interest rates, Journalism, June, Latest News, local, Local News, looking, May, National, new, New York, News, newsletter, Noon News Roundup, north, online, Ontario, other, pandemic, photo, Population, province, Provincial, Reading, Real Estate, Register, report, rural, savings, social, Statistics Canada, study, support, the conversation, Toronto, Trail, Travel, university, US, Victoria Park, Western, Western University, who, windsor, World
The company’s sudden announcement begs the question: What is happening in the farm retail sector across the country?
Business, Farming, London Free Press, Southwestern Ontario, access, Authors, Business, Canada, Canadian, city, close, covid, Covid-19, Department, down, Explainer, Free, Government, home, Homes, Inflation, Journalism, Lambeth, Latest News, LED, local, Local Business, Local News, London, looking, May, Media, new, New York, News, newsletter, Noon News Roundup, online, Ontario, other, pandemic, Peavey Industries, Reading, Real Estate, record, Register, rural, savings, school, Shipping, social, Social media, Staff, Statement, support, the conversation, Toronto, Trail, university, who
Here’s what you need to know about the rare dead-of-winter vote as candidates hit the icy campaign trail.
London Free Press, 2022, access, Authors, bridge, campaign, Canada, Canadian, city, conservative, Dead, decision, Doug Ford, Editorial, Explainer, federal, first, Ford, Free, game, Government, History, hit, home, Homes, Journalism, Latest News, local, Local News, London, march, May, new, New York, News, newsletter, Noon News Roundup, online, Ontario, Ontario election, Ontario election 2025, other, photo, play, province, Provincial, Provincial election, Reading, Real Estate, record, Register, rural, savings, season, social, Stephen Harper, summer, support, the conversation, Toronto, Trail, Travel, university, Volunteers, Weather, who, win, windsor
The Association of Municipalities of Ontario calculated there were at least 1,400 homeless encampments in the province in 2023
Lucknow Sentinel, 2023, access, Affordable housing, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, budget, Buildings, Canada, Canadian, car, centre, changes, Chatham-Kent, Community, conditions, council, county, Courts, Doug Ford, downtown, emergency, Encampments, end, federal, first, Florida, Ford, found, funding, Garbage, Government, Health, home, Homeless, Homelessness, Housing, Identified, Indigenous, Inflation, Information, Life, local, Local News, Long-term care, man, Mayor, mental health, moved, Municipalities, new, News, Ontario, open, other, Pizza, play, Police, Policy, Population, province, Provincial, report, river, rural, Rural Ontario Municipal Association, safety, savings, show, social, Subsidies, summer, support, Thames River, the conversation, Toronto, Trail, US, who, woman, women, work
(By Pauline Kerr) Desperation makes people do crazy things – like driving for miles in a snowstorm, and standing in a lineup, outside, in the snow, that snakes around the … Continue reading Finding answers to the rural health-care crisis
The post Finding answers to the rural health-care crisis appeared first on Kincardine Independent.
This project has ended. Archived project materials are available below. Physical barriers prevent water from cycling naturally, resulting in flooding, sewer overflows, and risks to
Great Lakes Commission, April, budget, Business, Canada, cities, city, City hall, climate, Climate change, Community, construction, council, county, Cycling, Department, Detroit, development, Flooding, funding, Great Lakes, green, Health, Identified, Illinois, Increase, Indiana, Information, Infrastructure, july, June, lakes, learn, local, London, manager, May, Michigan, Municipalities, new, New York, online, Ontario, other, photo, Policy, Population, project, Region, Research, return, RISK, rural, service, support, sustainable, Technology, Toronto, Training, Water, Wednesday, work