A project to keep invasive carp species from reaching the Great Lakes could be in jeopardy as the state of Illinois halted its work, seeking assurances from the Trump administration […]
In December, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced the first construction contract had been awarded for the Brandon Road Lock and Dam on the Des Plaines River near Joliet, […]
Autumn McGowan serves as a program specialist for the Great Lakes Commission’s aquatic invasive species team. In this role she supports the work of GLC’s
This project has ended. Archived project materials are available below. Physical barriers prevent water from cycling naturally, resulting in flooding, sewer overflows, and risks to
Great Lakes Commission, April, budget, Business, Canada, cities, city, City hall, climate, Climate change, Community, construction, council, county, Cycling, Department, Detroit, development, Flooding, funding, Great Lakes, green, Health, Identified, Illinois, Increase, Indiana, Information, Infrastructure, july, June, lakes, learn, local, London, manager, May, Michigan, Municipalities, new, New York, online, Ontario, other, photo, Policy, Population, project, Region, Research, return, RISK, rural, service, support, sustainable, Technology, Toronto, Training, Water, Wednesday, work