Photographer and one-man-documentary-crew, Daryl Granger, started telling the story of Port Dover, Ontario’s commercial fishery. After months of work, he released the award-winning two-hour documentary, Netting the Waters, which “sets […]
The Association of Municipalities of Ontario calculated there were at least 1,400 homeless encampments in the province in 2023
The December snows haven’t arrived. We’ve had green Christmases before and still celebrated Jesus’ birth just fine. As I descended the stairs, I thought about the depiction of the shepherds guarding their flocks in the cold and snow. Was it cold and snowy in that part of the world? I didn’t know, but I doubted […]
A local woman’s passion for preservation has led to the restoration of 271 headstones — and counting — at South Kinloss Cemetery in Lucknow. “A lot of these were pioneer children. They died here and then their parents picked up and moved on, so there’s no one left for them,” explained Cherie Brogreen. “I […]