(By Liz Small) Move over, dragons. It’s time for the hawks to take flight. Partners Saugeen Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) and Bruce Community Futures Development Corporation (Bruce CFDC) are once … Continue reading Opportunity to let your business idea soar with Hawk’s Nest

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Little Library Enough Already Another in the growing list of mini libraries at Bruce Beach.  This on is at the bridge approaching the Huff-Clark ball diamond.


Feel free to donate a book or pick up a book.

Children's books are most in demand.

McCosh Lending Library

Located on the south side of the Club House.

To entice some "northenders" there is a copy of Baseball for Dummies!!
Don't worry it's mostly pictures...

If you could pass this along to the masses it would be appreciated.

Mike Buchanan

The Little Book Library in Cameron Grove no longer has any children’s books(about ages 7-14). Apparently there has been more “taking” than “leaving”, which is a good sign that reading is taking place at Bruce Beach.  If anyone along the beach has a few children’s books(for boys and girls) that their children or grandchildren no longer want, please deposit them in the Library as you head to town or attend Junior baseball games.

Little Library

They’re catching on, mini lending libraries have been announced in Cameron Grove, Tout’s Grove, and now, Gordon Street.  A great idea and those instrumental in installing them are to be congratulated.


Bruce Beach Library Created, constructed and stocked by Bob Cunningham (109) and Barry McPherson(122), the FIRST Bruce Beach Library opens this weekend. Another “first” for the North! Will “Lower” or “Middle” Bruce Beach follow suit?


Modelled on the Little Free Library program found in many neighbourhoods in Canada and the United States (see, www.littlefreelibrary.org), this Library is located beside the tennis courts at Cameron Grove so that it is accessible to our Junior Baseball players and their fans.